5 Reasons Why Small Business Should Have A Data Backup Plan

Michael K. Ford
3 min readNov 28, 2020

Data Backup and recovery plans are essential for small businesses; it safeguards the data against natural disaster, human error, machine failure, and cyber-attack. Data loss can severely disrupt business operations and cause huge financial losses. It also affects the productivity and image of the firms. Companies that cannot secure their important files and folders lose the trust of their customers and cannot stand out in the crowd.

According to experts, around 20% of small businesses are hacked per year, and half of them are not even aware that they have been hacked. This is because small business owners prefer to manage their organization’s network on their own and use the internet to perform many tasks rather than just sending an email. The attackers hack the crucial data of a company’s system by using Ransome. It’s malware that blocks the legitimate user from accessing the data. He needs to pay some fee to restore access. But, if the user has subscribed to a data backup plan, he/she can restore the files easily without spending any money. This is just one example. There are plenty of such reasons why small businesses need to back up their files and folders regularly.Some of them are stated below:

  • Prevents The Data From The Effects Of Natural Disasters: Strom, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and blizzards can occur at any time and cannot be controlled. It can hinder the functions and continuity of a business. Studies have shown that 40% of organizations are not able to open after suffering from such disasters. So, it’s better to prepare yourself in advance. The best way to prevent data loss from a natural disaster is to subscribe to cloud-based data storage and recovery services. It is a type of managed IT support, which is provided by third-party vendors. They save the data on cloud-based servers instead of a physical one and allow you to restore the data whenever you require.
  • Safeguards Client’s Data: We all know how important it is to safeguard the client’s data. The improper data security measures can put client’s information in the hands of competitors, putting you in great trouble. For instance, the stolen data can be misused by third-parties for illegal activities. The customers will no longer believe in your organization and will eventually start dealing with other business partners. Not just that, with a negative brand image, you will not be able to grab new customers.
  • Protects Data Against Human Errors: Apart from natural disasters and cyber-attacks, human error is also a common reason for data loss. As it is said,” To err is human,” so it’s fair that humans will make mistakes. Sometimes employee technical mistakes can result in data loss. So, it’s important to invest in data backup and recovery solutions. Also, don’t forget to train your staff to use network components properly.
  • Protects The Data Against System Failure: Many goofy business owners decide to back up their data on Pc or physical storage devices like hard drives, pen drives, flash drives, and more. But they forget that these devices can be prone to malfunction at any time, and they may lose important data. This may cost them dearly in the future. Therefore, the best solution to this is to store the data in the cloud. Cloud storage is more reliable as well as cost-effective than the physical drive.
  • Provide Peace Of Mind: Lastly, subscribing to a data backup plan provides peace of mind to the entrepreneurs. Presumably, you have business insurance, and you lock your office doors and windows properly before going home at night. But what about data security? As soon as you think about it, you get stressed. Now you don’t have to worry because cloud-based data backup services automatically backup your data and store it in a safe place. The service provider also allows you to access data 24 hours a day; all you need is a high-speed internet connection.
  • The Bottom Line: Data plays an important role in the success of small enterprises. Therefore, it is important to choose the right data backup and recovery plan.

Originally published at http://tarniinfotech.com on November 28, 2020.



Michael K. Ford

I am Michael K. Ford working in the marketing team of IRIS Solutions. www.irissol.com